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Шановні абітурієнти та гості нашого сайту! Ви маєте можливість оглянути навчальні аудиторії нашого факультету. Запрошуємо навчатись на факультеті інформатики! Аудиторії:  340   339   1.51   1.51a   1.14   227   228   229

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Drahomanov National Pedagogical University  
Institute of information technology

(License №АГ 508422)

 Educational-preparatory separation for foreign citizens


Drahomanov National Pedagogical University is one of the oldest (founded in 1835) and prominent pedagogical universities of Europe. 1500  teachers, among them 34 academicians and members-correspondents of NASE, 260 doctors of sciences, professors, over 650 candidates of sciences, assistant-professors work there. 35000 students among them 500 foreign students study at the university. 19 institutes, sportcomplex, 6 hostels are attached to the university. The university is situated in the center of Kyiv.


 The listeners of courses are in a position to study Russian or Ukrainian languages, and also to prepare for entering higher educational establishments of Ukraine in any direction. On condition of successful implementation of curriculum the graduating students of courses get the proper certificate. The university provides the listeners of the courses with visa support in accordance with their desire and gives rooms at the comfortable hostel. They train the foreign citizens as the specialists in the directious: engineering and technical, naturally-geographical and physics-mathematical.

 - Daily

 - 9 months
 -  from October, 1-st

 REFERENCE PAYMENT (for an academic year)
Languages of studies

 -  I-st semester audience studies (18 hours a week)
 -  II-  semester studies (28 hours a week  )

The reception on studies is carried out on the basis of agreement, signed by university administration with an university entrant or with other artificial person physical or juridical the reception on the base of base of is also possible.
 Requirements to the entrants:
     Age to 25 years in the moment of entry.
     Presence of secondary education.
     Satisfactory state of health.
 Documents, necessary at the reception:
 Riding into properly designed Ukraine a foreigner must have such documents:
 1)    entrance visa flue to Ukraine for studies;
 2)    official invitation from university;
 3)    document about secondary education  with the loose leaf (with marks) (in original);
 4)    document about absence of AIDS (in original);
 5)    medical certificate about the state of health (notarized by the organ of health protection country which a foreigner arrived from, and given out not earlier, than two months before entering to Ukraine) with pointing about possibility for studies (in original);
 6)    angiography of birth;
 7)    8 photo 6x4 ;
 8)    passport (it is given personally);
 9)    reverse ticket with the opened date of departure for a term of 1 (one) year for recommitting to a motherland.
     Documents 3), 4), 5) but 6) must be translated (by or Russian Ukrainian) and notarized in accordance with the legislation of country which gave out them, and legalized in the set order.
     Note. Foreigners, who come to Ukraine for studies must be in the country from August, 15 and not later than  November, 15.



 An educational corps is located in the central district of the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. Students take place in university hostels. The cost of residence in the hostels is ~250$. 3 students live in a room. The terms of residence concerns by the separate agreement. The individual approach is possible for the separate pay.


 Preparatory department - 9 months
 High qualification of teachers is the high quality guarantee of preparation of foreign citizens, their experience with foreign students, and also the methods of studies developed on a faculty.


 At the end of studies and successfully passed examinations the state certificate of standard pattern for the right to enter in educational establishments of Ukraine without preliminary examinations is given out to the graduating students.

Contact information:
 Ukraine, 01601, Kiev-30
 Pirova street 9, the 3-rd floor, k. 341
 tel. +38 044 235-95-83
 fax: +38 044 235-95-83
 E-mail:     http://www.ii.npu.edu.ua
Manager by the educational-preparatory separation for foreign citizens
Minenko Olena




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