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Шановні абітурієнти та гості нашого сайту! Ви маєте можливість оглянути навчальні аудиторії нашого факультету. Запрошуємо навчатись на факультеті інформатики! Аудиторії:  340   339   1.51   1.51a   1.14   227   228   229

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Уряд регіону Фландрія оголошує про запуск нової стипендійної програми – MasterMind Scholarships, завдяки якій іноземні студенти можуть навчатися у вищих наукових установах Бельгії. Студенти не можуть подаватися самостійно, їхня заявка повинна бути зареєсрована на сайті примаючої бельгійської освітньої установи. Дедлайн - 31 березня 2017 р. (далі - англ.).

The Government of Flanders launches a new scholarship program, Master Mind Scholarships that aims to promote the internationalization of the Flemish Higher Education.  It awards up to 45 scholarships to outstanding Master students from all countries.

Host Institution(s):


  • KU Leuven / University of Leuven
  • University of Antwerp
  • Ghent University
  • Hasselt University
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel

University colleges (Arts and Nautical Sciences)

  • Antwerp Maritime Academy
  • Artesis Plantijn University College Antwerp
  • Erasmus University College Brussels
  • Karel de Grote University College
  • LUCA School of Arts
  • University College Ghent

Level/Field of study:

Eligible Masters Degree Programmes offered at participating Flemish Institutions

Number of Awards:


Target group:

International students from all countries

Scholarship value/duration:

The incoming student is awarded a scholarship of maximum €7,500 per academic year. The Flemish Host Institution can ask the applicant for a tuition fee of maximum €105 per year.

The duration of mobility is minimum 1 academic year and maximum the full duration of the master program.


• The applicant applies to take up a Master degree programme at a higher education institution in Flanders (hereafter ‘Flemish host institution’).

• The applicant should have a high standard of academic performance and/or potential. He/she meets all academic entrance criteria, including relevant language requirements, for entering the Master programme in question offered by the Flemish host institution.

• All nationalities can apply. The previous degree obtained should be from a higher education institution located outside Flanders.

• Students who are already enrolled in a Flemish higher education institution cannot apply.

Application instructions:

Students cannot apply directly. The application needs to be submitted online by the Flemish host institution. Deadline of applications is 30 April 2017.  You must check the internal deadlines set by the Flemish Host Institution, which may be earlier.

It is important to read the 2017-2018 Master Mind Scholarship Guidelines and visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website:  http://www.studyinflanders.be/en/scholarship-programmes/master-mind-scholarships/





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