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У зв’язку зі змінами в організаційній структурі університету та
відповідно до рішення Вченої ради університету від 03 вересня 2021 року
(протокол №1) оновлення відомостей на сайті не здійснюється!
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Шановні абітурієнти та гості нашого сайту! Ви маєте можливість оглянути навчальні аудиторії нашого факультету. Запрошуємо навчатись на факультеті інформатики! Аудиторії:  340   339   1.51   1.51a   1.14   227   228   229

Telegram канал, оперативні новини з сайту факультету (БОТ) <<<Subscribe>>>.           Telegram канал, важливі оголошення студентам від деканату ФІ <<<Subscride>>>


Таллінський університет запрошує іноземних студентів подавати заявки на отримання стипендії для навчання в університеті за програмою бакалаврату та магістратури. Дедлайн– 1 травня 2017 року (далі - англ.).

The Tallinn University of Technology Scholarships are now open for international students. These scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor’s and master’s programmes for the academic year 2017-2018.

Established in 1918, Tallinn University of Technology is the only technical university in Estonia. TUT, in the capital city of Tallinn, is the nation’s leading academic institution in engineering, business, and public administration.

Applicants whose first language is not English are usually required to provide evidence of proficiency in English at the higher level required by the University.

Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing bachelor’s and master’s programmes.

Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to study the subjects offered by the university.

List of Subjects: Bachelor’s programmes: International Business Administration, Law, Integrated Engineering and Master’s programmes: Cyber Security, Communicative Electronics, Computer and Systems Engineering, Design and Engineering, e-Governance Technologies and Services, Engineering Physics, Environmental Engineering and Management, Health Care Technology, Industrial Engineering and Management, Materials and Processes of Sustainable Energetics, Mechatronics, Technology of Wood and Plastic, International Business Administration, International Relations and European-Asian Studies, Law and Technology Governance

Scholarship Award: Full tuition fee waiver scholarships are available for students.

Number of Scholarships: Bachelor’s programmes: International Business Administration: 10, Law: 2, Integrated Engineering: 45

Master’s programmes: Cyber Security: 30, Communicative Electronics: 15, Computer and Systems Engineering: 25, Design and Engineering: 9, e-Governance Technologies and Services: 22, Engineering Physics: 10, Environmental Engineering and Management: 8, Health Care Technology: 10, Industrial Engineering and Management: 7, Materials and Processes of Sustainable Energetics: 15, Mechatronics: 15, Technology of Wood and Plastic: 10, International Business Administration: 25, International Relations and European-Asian Studies: 1, Law: 1 and Technology Governance: 1

Scholarship can be taken in Estonia

Eligibility: A tuition fee waiver is a non-monetary scholarship granted automatically to the best ranked candidates, according to the points earned in the course of admission. Scholarship is awarded for the whole study period. Recipients of the scholarships are required to study full-time, i.e. with the workload of at least 60 ECTS per year. If the student starts studying part-time, he/she will lose the tuition fee waiver and will start paying for studies.

Nationality: Students of all nationalities are eligible to apply.

College Admission Requirement

Entrance Requirement: If students intend to make an application, it is important to check country specific requirements to ensure the qualifications you are studying are considered suitable preparation for entry to Tallinn University of Technology.

English Language Requirement: To apply for studies a proof of English language proficiency must be shown through one of the following methods:

  • IELTS (Academic)- a minimum overall grade of 5.5, with 5.5 or above in each element. Please note that IELTS test score is valid 2 years only and older tests are not accepted.
  • TOEFL (iBT)- a minimum overall score 72, with listening 17 or above, reading 18 or above, speaking 20 or above, writing 17 or above. Test result must be sent directly to Tallinn University of Technology by the Educational Testing Service. TOEFL institutional code for Tallinn University of Technology is 8665. Please note that TOEFL iBT test score is valid 2 years only and older tests are not accepted..

Application Form - https://estonia.dreamapply.com/courses/search/institutions/5#results

More information: http://bit.ly/2jm6TKN


  • The Tallinn University of Technology
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